CFB Code Guide
Function Results Instructions
Bold This is BOLD Text To bold text in messages, place it between the following tags: [b] and [/b]
Italic This is italicized text To italicize text in messages, place it between the following tags: [i] and [/i]
Color your text This text is red To put color in your messages, place it between the following tags: [red] and [/red]

The following colors are supported:Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, and Black

Ordered List
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
To use an ordered list, see the following code below:
[*] List Item 1
[*] List Item 2
[*] List Item 3
Unordered List
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
To use an unordered list, see the following code below:
[*] List Item 1
[*] List Item 2
[*] List Item 3
URL Linking #1 Visit the CFBoards at:
To link a URL you must type either the full url or have it start with 'www'.
Example: Visit the CFBoards at [URL][/URL] or [URL][/URL]
URL Linking #2 Visit the CFBoards at:
Email Linking Email me at:
[email protected]
To link an Email address you must type the full email address.
Example: Email me at [EMAIL][email protected][/EMAIL]

CFB Faces Codes

Face Name


Text to be Used


smile.gif (1001 bytes)



wink.gif (986 bytes)



grin.gif (1004 bytes)



frown.gif (1006 bytes)



embarrassed.gif (996 bytes)
