rideline Auckland Regional Council
Auckland Regional Council
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Information about the Integrated Ticketing Project
For information about the ARC�s integrated ticketing project please click here.

Purpose of the Integrated Ticketing Forum
The Integrated Ticketing Forum is intended to encourage discussion about:
  • The benefits of the ARC�s proposed integrated ticketing system, and
  • How the system should work.
Specifically, the ARC is keen to get the views of current and potential passengers on:
  • Whether the region should introduce an integrated ticket
  • The way passengers would like integrated ticketing to work in the Auckland region, if they support its introduction.
We will pass these views onto the ARC councillors and the region�s public transport operators to help them to make decisions about the integrated ticketing system. We will also feed them into the design of the system.

We hope that all participants and the ARC will find value in the information posted here.

A Few Questions for Starters
We�d like to start by posing a few general questions to forum participants and feed in more specific issues as we go along.

Should the region introduce an integrated ticket?
  • Would Auckland�s public transport users benefit from being able to use an integrated ticket? If so, how?
  • As a user of public transport, what effect would this have on the number of journeys you make on public transport in the Auckland region? And on the number of different types of transport (bus, rail, ferry) or different bus companies you use?
  • How do you think it would appeal to non-users of public transport? Could it encourage them to use public transport?
  • How would an integrated ticket affect your views on Auckland�s public transport system as a whole?
How should the integrated ticketing system work?
  • How should the integrated ticketing system work from a passenger�s perspective?
  • Where do you want to be able to buy your tickets?
  • How do you want to be able to pay for your tickets?
  • How do you think your bus, rail or ferry company should validate (�clip�) your ticket?
  • What do you like or not like about overseas ticketing systems you�ve used?

An Important Distinction � Integrated Tickets and Integrated Fares
When you�re answering these questions, please bear in mind that we�re talking about an integrated ticket here, not an integrated fare. This is the difference:
  • With an integrated ticket you can use the same ticket for every journey you make, whether it�s on bus, rail or ferry. An integrated ticket says nothing about the actual fare you pay, only about how you pay that fare.
  • With an integrated fare the fare you pay combines the fares for all the different sectors of your journey. This means that you pay only once for your total journey. An integrated ticket says nothing about how you pay for your fare, but only about what you pay for your journey and when you pay it.
Tickets and fares can be integrated at the same time, but they do not have to be. The ARC is currently investigating whether fares should be integrated for the Auckland region, as well as tickets.

Guidelines for Participation
Individuals participating in this online Rideline Forum are asked to follow these guidelines: 1) State your full name, first and last.

2) List the suburb where you live.

3) Stay focused on issues related to an integrated ticketing system for the Auckland region.

4) Post only your own messages, and do not post attachments or forward others' email for posting on the Forum.

5) Express your opinions and ideas in a respectful, non-offensive manner and avoid language that may be interpreted as defamatory, threatening, discriminatory, hateful, vulgar or obscene. Postings that violate any guideline will be removed from the Forum.

6) Support opinions with facts and examples, and be as specific as possible.

The Council reserves the right to suspend or discontinue this online Forum without notice.

The Forum is not intended to be a �Question and Answer� session for the ARC. However, if official comment is warranted, the ARC will respond on the site.

Forum Moderator
For comments and questions about the Integrated Ticketing Forum, please contact the Forum Moderator: Kate Thompson, Auckland Regional Council, Cargo House, 240 Hobson Street, Private Bag 92 012, Auckland. email: [email protected]

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