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Dial A Ride
Dial a ride is an on demand Door to Door service catering exclusively for people with disabilities, primarily for those who must use wheelchairs. All trips must be pre-booked. The service operates within the Auckland area but will extend on demand when resources permit.

The office is open from 7.00am to 5.00pm with an answer phone available outside office hours.

Maximum fares – Flagfall $3.00 & 0.55cents per Kilometre for individual passengers & $3.00 flagfall & $1.00 per kilometre for organised groups.

For all Dial A Ride enquiries please contact Dial A Ride Auckland Inc. 625-5599.

Manukau Health Bus
Unitec Shuttle
St John's Health Shuttle

Manukau Health Bus
Unitec Shuttle
St John's Health Shuttle
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